Friday, December 27, 2019

The Observation Methods Used When Conducting Research Essay

1. Introduction Various methods are used when conducting research. The choice of method depends on the objective of the study and the most appropriate or effective way of accessing the necessary data. For this assignment I chose the observation method. I will begin by providing a description of the method and outline its various strengths and weaknesses. After that, the strategies used to analyse the data will also be outlined. Following that I will discuss how quality data can be achieved and finally, how ethical issues can be addressed in observation. 2. The observation methods 2.1 Definition of the method Observation is a common tool used for data collection in primary research. Podmore (2006, p.14) states that observation can be defined as â€Å"the systematic watching and noting of people or phenomena†. Similarly, Cohen, Manion and Morrison (2011) point out that observation is a method that provides the researcher with the chance of collecting ‘live’ data in a situation where something happens naturally. On a separate note, Sharp (2012) illustrates that in an educational context, observation relies on capturing the dynamics and complexities of particular events and/or activities. In addition to this, he points out that observation requires being able to both hear and see simultaneously. Therefore, observation could be seen as a process or an activity that occurs while the observer perceives, listens and notes specific behaviours or changes. Morrison (1993) introduces fourShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Technology On Classroom Practices And Student Outcomes1564 Wor ds   |  7 PagesINTRODUCTION When planning and conducting research, there are many elements which need to be considered to ensure it is ethically sound. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Prospects Of Religion During The Middle Ages - 2383 Words

The prospects of religion were heavily influenced within the cultural exchange of different societies. As a result of the exchange, many aspects of media were influenced by religion throughout both history, as well as present day society. One of the periods of history that has purposefully showed predominant influences in religion happened to occur in England during the middle ages. This influence in religion, more specifically Christianity, was rooted in other civilizations cultivating England for their own purposes such as extracting resources, expanding territory, and even spreading ideas. The movement came about when â€Å"The breakthrough came with the conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine in AD 312 who set about making Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire†( Because England was apart of the Roman Empire during this time period, it was caught in a sort of domino effect where Christianity essentially became England’s official religion as well. Of course since it is human nature to become wary of any sort of thing that resembles change, some people did protest against this sudden shift in religion from Paganism to Christianity. However, the protests themselves were not enough to quell the spread of Christianity and those who still refused were forced to flee. This was probably due to either stubbornness or intense faith in whatever they believed in at the time. Soon people soon began to worship God, whether it is by choiceShow MoreRelatedHow The Renaissance Changed Man s View Of Man952 Words   |  4 Pagesmuch more.article. During the RenaissanceRenaissance, people of all cultural groups started to use their unique skills as a way of understanding innovative forms of politics, social reforms, and thinking. This new attitude started to form a modernistic wave of optimismoptimism; one that believed man was capable of accomplishing great things. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Dead Poets Society Outline Notes free essay sample

I assumed the movie was going to be based on a secret group. 3) I thought this due to the fact that Dead poets society sounds like a secret group. 4) This movie title would seem to involve lots of poetic references such as Shakespeare or Edgar Allen Poe. 5) Dead poets might stand for all the poets in the past or could mean a poet that speaks daring things that would make them a dead man or a dead poet Paraphrase (Plot) 1) Seven boys: Neil, Todd, Knox, Charlie, Richard, Steven and Gerard attended an all-boy Prehistory School. ) In their English class, instructed by Mr. Keating, was designed to make the boys free thinkers (which was looked down at in the school). 3) The boys create the dead poets socity to and eventually get the idea to protest getting girls at their school. 4) The headmaster of the Academy finds out and is outraged and blames the teacher, Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Dead Poets Society Outline Notes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Keating, for the chain of events even leading to one of the boys deaths. 5) As Mr. Keating grapes his final items all his students defy their new teacher for him and the film ends showing that Connotation ) The motif of the story is that its important to stand up for whats right and think for yourself. 2) A symbol in the story is the desk kit because when he throws it symbolizes that his parents don’t completely control him and that he can learn to express himself. 3) 4) 5) Attitude 1) Todd Anderson is confident at the end by being the first to stand up in the classroom for his teacher. 2) Wandona is outraged when one of the members of the dead poets society ratted out their teacher. 3) Mr. Keating is gloomy when he had to leave to academy. 4) 5) Shift ) The scene goes for disturbed of the fact the boys don’t know what will happen to them to outraged when one of the embers sold their teacher out. 2) The scene goes form loving exiting the play to gloomy when he finds out that he may never act again. 3) The scene goes from gloomy of finding out the boy cant act any more to despairing when he kills himself. 4) The scene goes from despairing when the boy commits suicide to ser ous when the school staff wants to know who is responsible. 5) The scene goes from proud when he touches the girls face to bitter when her boyfriend finds out. Theme 1) The theme of the story is indivuality is just as important as the team. 2) This was emphasized in the video several times in several ways 3) One was in the court yard when they were marching to a different beat and then all marched completely together. 4) The creation of the Dead poets society was the next thing because they each had an individual poem to share but they all came together 5) The last and most impacting one of the story was when one by one the boys united together to solute their beloved yet sadly, now former teacher. Title

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Safeguarding vulnerable adults free essay sample

Safeguarding vulnerable adults: Unit 11 Judith Darnell: P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 D1. Introduction: There are many jobs in society, particularly within health and social care, where a practitioner’s main job role is working with adults. It is therefore, important for learners, hoping to work in these areas to develop knowledge and understanding of safeguarding work. Multi-agency partnerships work at local level to develop policies and procedures which safeguard adults by promoting good practice. Whilst the rights of all individuals should be protected, adults who use health and social care services are amongst those most at risk of abuse or neglect. Learners must recognise situations which may lead to abuse and neglect, and the need for a person-centred approach which provides supportive and trusting relationships. Learners will investigate the signs and symptoms of different types of abuse, enabling them to recognise when abuse may be happening. They will go on to examine predisposing factors which may lead to abusive situations. We will write a custom essay sample on Safeguarding vulnerable adults or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page P1 describe forms of abuse which may be experienced by adults: In P1 I am going to be explaining 5 different forms of abuse, these 5 will be physical, sexual, emotional, racial and institutional abuse. Physical abuse: physical abuse is an act of another party involving contact intended to cause feeling of physical pain, injury or other physical suffering or bodily harm. Physical abuse includes things like hitting someone, biting, scratching, hair pulling, burning. Basically anything that is causing physical pain to another human being can be classed as physical abuse. Physical abuse can be shown on the body by the person being abused having bruises on their skin indicating that they have either been pulled about or hit, having ripped clothes this shows they have been pulled about to roughly or have been dragged by their clothes, teeth marks this shows they may have been bitten or they are biting themselves to stop them telling someone that they are being abused, red lines or cuts indicates that they have been scratched. An example of physical abuse in a care home would be, Mary is bed bound and has really dark bruises on her wrists and sides of her body these bruises can be from someone physically abusing her and pulling her about too roughly to do something she doesn’t want to. Sexual abuse: Sexual abuse is a statutory offence that’s provides that it is a crime to knowingly cause another human being to engage in an unwanted sexual act by force or threat. Sexual abuse can include things such as rape, sexual assault and Non-contact sexual abuse which include being forced or coerced to be photographed or videoed to allow others to look at their body. An example of sexual abuse in a care home would be, Sarah is 53 and has dementia she was asked the other day how she got the bruises between her legs and on her wrists but she just answered with I can’t remember. The bruises on Sarah’s wrist and between her legs indicate she may have been sexually abused but they can’t prove it because Sarah has dementia and can’t remember how she got the bruises. http://www. devon. gov. uk/index/socialcare/adult-protection Emotional abuse: Emotional abuse is a form of abuse characterised by a human being subjecting or exposing another human being to behaviour that may result in psychological trauma. Another definition could be, any act including confinement, isolation, verbal assault, humiliation, intimidation, infantilization, or any other treatment which may diminish the sense of identity, dignity, and self-worth. Emotional abuse includes things such as: Threats of violence or abandonment Intentionally frightening Making an individual fear that they will not receive the food or care they need Lying Failing to check allegations of abuse against them Making derogative or slanderous statements about an individual to others Socially isolating an individual, failing to let them have visitors Withholding important information Demeaning an individual because of the language they speak Intentionally misinterpreting traditional practices Repeatedly raising the issue of death Telling an individual that they are too much trouble Ignoring or excessively criticizing Being over-familiar and disrespectful Unreasonably ordering an individual around; treating an individual like a servant or child. An example of emotional abuse in a care home would be, john is 75 and has severe epilepsy one carer that works with john always calls him a shaky spastic, this is emotional abuse because the carer is deliberately trying to make john upset by calling him horrible names. http://www. healthyplace. com/abuse/emotional Racial abuse: Racial discrimination is when a person is treated less favourably than another person in a similar situation because of their race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status. For example, it would be ‘direct discrimination’ if a care home manager refuses to hire a person because they are of a particular racial background or skin colour. It is also racial discrimination when there is a rule or policy that is the same for everyone but has an unfair effect on people of a particular race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status. This is called ‘indirect discrimination’. For example, it may be indirect racial discrimination if a care home says that employees must not wear hats or other headwear at work, as this is likely to have an unfair effect on people from some racial/ethnic backgrounds. It is illegal for one to subject others to such kind of abuse as it has negative effects on the individuals and society in general. Things like written or verbal threats and damage to property are also all forms of such abuse. An example of racial abuse in a care home is, billy is and 85 year old black man with turrets and has been living in a care home from the age of 65 there is a new carer that doesn’t know how to handle billy because of his turrets, so to shut billy up she calls him a nigger and doesn’t let him join in the group activities, this is racial abuse because she has verbally called billy a racial name that is illegal to say and has also segregated him by not letting him join in with the group activities. http://www. humanrights. gov. au Institutional abuse: Institutional abuse is when routines work for the benefits of the organisation, not for the people they are supposed to care for. In poor quality care homes, service users are not given a choice about when they eat, sleep or even when they need to go to the toilet. Where there is institutional abuse, the needs of the individual fit in with all the routines of the home; everyone has to get up at the same time, have breakfast at the same time and go to bed at the same time. An example of institutional abuse in a care home would be, Susie has to take medication at a certain time to make sure her irritable bowel syndrome is under control but the carers will not allow Susie to have it until all the other residents have their medication half an hour later. http://pansussexadultssafeguarding. proceduresonline. com/glossary/insti_abuse. html P2 describe indicators that abuse may be happening to adults: There are many types of indicators which show abuse may be happening to adults they include disclosure, unexplained injuries, poor hygiene and change in behaviour. I am going to explain these in a bit more detail. Disclosure: Disclosure is when someone has literally told someone else that they are being abused straight from their own mouth, for example Mary can trust her carer glen and told him that her other carer Tracy has been physically abusing her by hitting and biting her, Mary has bruises and teeth marks to prove this so glen can take further action. Unexplained injuries: unexplained injuries is when a carer has spotted marks on a residents body including things like bruises, teeth marks, scratches, bald patches or bed sores but the resident can’t tell you how they got the marks and will sometimes try and avoid answering the question by shrugging and changing the conversation or they will give an answer of I don’t know how they got there or I forgot. This is an indicator that abuse is happening because if they were not being abused they would be able to tell you where and how they got the marks on their bodies but if they haven’t answered or don’t know they may be scared to tell someone or have been threatened by the abuser to not tell anyone. Poor hygiene: poor hygiene is an indicator of abuse because the residents can be neglected. This would be shown by the residents having poor hygiene including things like being left in their own faces because the carer has neglected them and not changed their underwear after them soiling themselves, bedsores which indicate that the resident hasn’t been turned enough times if bed bound and their skin has become sore and produced bedsores, greasy hair and smelling of body odour is an indicator of poor hygiene and neglect because it shows that the resident hasn’t been washed properly or even in days. All these things can indicate that a form of abuse is happening. Change in behaviour: change in a resident’s behaviour can indicate abuse is happening because if they were really talkative and energetic before and then suddenly they become shy and don’t talk at all then you know something may have happened to make them become like this. Also they may become scared of a certain carer that has abused them and not want to go near them or when they go near them they move away quickly and if they don’t do this to other carers this can show that they have or are being abused. P3 explain factors that may lead to abusive situations: Adults at most risk of being abused: the people most risk of being abused are people that have physical disabilities, dementia, blindness and the elderly. People with physical disabilities are at more risk of being abused because they can’t stop it from happening themselves, also if they have a disability which affects their speech they will not be able to tell anyone that the abuse is happening so this makes them a more vulnerable target. People with dementia are easy targets for abuse because after the abuse has happened and someone asks them if it has happened or how they got the marks on their body they might not remember and just tell them something else so the abuser will rise to this and potentially abuse them more because they will forget all about it happening or forget who abused them. Blind people are at high risk and most vulnerable to being abused because they will not be able to see the abuser so they will not be able to tell anyone who it was abusing them. Also they can’t see what the abuser is doing to them and might not know if it is wrong or right for them to be doing it. Elderly people are easy targets for abuse because they will be scared of telling anyone that the abuse is happening because they won’t be believed or have been threatened into not telling anyone, also they might also have dementia and forget who the abuser is or that it has even happened to them making them more vulnerable to the abuse. Environments that abuse can happen in: Abuse can happen in any environment possible but I am going to explain some of the most likely places abuse happens because of the circumstances given. Independent living: people whom live on their own are more vulnerable to being abused more than people who live with others because there is no one to witness the abuse going on, also there is no one for the person being abused to tell the abuse has or is happening to. Physiotherapy: People that have physiotherapy are more vulnerable to being abused because they may think that the abuse happening isn’t actually abuse and that it is part or the physiotherapy process and that it is meant to be happening to them. Hospitals: Abuse is more likely to happen in hospitals because the patients can be scared to tell anyone because the authorities may not believe them because the doctors and nurses may be at a higher level of qualification than the patient is. Contexts: People that are dependent on someone to look after them at all times are more vulnerable to abuse because they may not have anyone else to tell that the abuse is happening, no one will witness the abuse and they may not be able to fight the abuser off themselves meaning the abuser will carry on abusing them even more. People with communication difficulties are more vulnerable to being abused because if they can’t speak at all then they can’t tell anyone physically through speech that they are being abused but they may be able to draw pictures to explain what is going on, this isn’t great because the pictures may not be clear and may send out the wrong message. Lack of capacity to say no mean they are at higher risk of being abused because they might not know exactly what they are agreeing to is abuse and just say yes for example being asked to have sex they might think this is a good thing but not actually want it and just say yes to not be hurt then they have agreed to something bad which puts the authorities in a tough position because on one hand they said yes but on the other hand they don’t have the capacity to say no. People who may abuse: I believe that any human being from a relative to a stranger can abuse someone even people who aren’t expected to be abusers for example doctors, carers or relatives, I think these people are the most likely to be abusers because they have more ways to get out of the situation for example a doctor can say why would I put my whole career in jeopardy just to hit a patient I wouldn’t, or a carer can say the resident fell if there is no proof to say they were the abuser. M1 Asses the likely immediate effects of two different forms of abuse on the health and well-being of adults: In M1 I am going to be explain the immediate effects of two types of abuse, including how these things are likely to happen and what might they lead to?. The two forms of abuse I am going to be explaining are physical abuse and sexual abuse. Case study: Jan is 57 years old and has Down syndrome, Jan used to be a very lively person and was very talkative but recently Mary has noticed she is always quiet and sometimes doesn’t join in on the fun activities she always used to join in on, also Jan has started to not go near one of the carers called john. Mary asked Jan why this is and her answer was that john has been physically abusing her. When someone finds out that Jan had been abused the first action to take will be to get into some counselling to make sure that the effects I am going to explain next have less chance of happening. The immediate effects of being physically abused are that Jan could become severely depressed which could then lead to her self-harming or possibly even committing suicide. Also Jan can become frightened of men and never want to go near them meaning her father might even be scary for Jan. Jan could also suffer from depression or anxiety, become fearful around certain people, become socially withdrawn (having less contact with people who she have been close to in the past), become passive and very compliant, she could not be eating properly. The likeliness of Jan committing suicide is a lot less than her self-harming or not eating properly this is because committing suicide is the last straw and you have to be in a really dark and low place to be able to have the strength to do it. Case study 2: Susie is 60 years old and is in a wheelchair. She is one of those people that always wants go get involved and is kind to people but recently has become very reluctant to joining in on any activity and has been seen being nasty and verbally abusing the other residents this is because Susie has been being sexually abused by her male carer Danny. The immediate effects of being sexually abused could be that the person that has been abused turns to alcohol or drugs which can then lead to long term health problems and addiction. Also they can become scared to go out at night or they could become scared of the opposite sex. Sometimes the abused adult then becomes an abuser, now this doesn’t necessarily mean doing the same type of abuse to others it could be in other ways, for example in the case study above Susie becomes a bully and starts to verbally abuse other residents because of what she has experienced. I think in this case the likeliness of these effects happening are very high because this is the worst kind of abuse because one of the effects which is pregnancy can leave a memory there for life if not believing in abortion, and when it comes to the alcohol and drugs all the victim wants to do is forget about what happened to them. Not everybody experiences the same effects after being abused some people might suffer from depression where as others might suffer from anxiety and the outcome of the situation can be either positive where they have got their lives back on track and are living for today or it can be disastrous and they could take their own life it just all depends on the severity of their effects they suffer from. You can never tell how a person is going to react or what effects they will suffer with after being abused but there is help out there for everyone. D1 evaluate the potential long term effects of these two types of abuse on the health and well-being of adults: The long term effects of being physically or sexually abused may include anger management problems, trust issues, hyper vigilance (being over alert and aware of surroundings, which makes someone jumpy and anxious), anxiety, depression, self-esteem problems, a tendency to dissociate (get numb emotionally) and/or to be very emotional, increased risk for substance abuse or eating disorders or other self-destructive behaviours. Anger management problems can affect the person’s life in many ways. The biggest problem would be if they were to get into a relationship and they were violet or bad tempered not only can they lose their partner they could even end up in jail if they have hit or hurt them badly and they prosecute. Substance abuse i. e. drugs and alcohol can have a massive impact on your health and well-being and can be potentially life threatening listed below are the effects it can have in detail. Physical injuries: When you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you might do things that you wouldn’t normally do. This can increase your chances of getting hurt or having an accident. Drug or alcohol related injuries can be from things like falling over to car accidents. Violence: Some drugs and alcohol can increase the likelihood of violent behaviour. Violence is never an acceptable way to react in a situation, and if you become violent when you take drugs or drink alcohol, it’s a good idea to re-evaluate your use. Drug or alcohol intake can lead to serious injury to you and to others. Internal damage: Use of some drugs and alcohol can damage your internal organs, like your liver, brain, lungs, throat and stomach. For example, ordinary household glue can be characterized as a drug if sniffed. The chemicals in glue can cause hearing loss and kidney damage if they’re inhaled over a long period of time. And continuous marijuana use can harm the parts of the brain that control memory, attention and learning. Pregnancy and STDs: While you’re under the influence, you might be less likely to remember to have safe sex. Unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy or the spread of STDs like HIV/AIDS. Risk of other infectious diseases: Sharing needles from injecting certain types of drugs or drinking from the same bottle as someone else can put you at major risk for getting diseases like Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, as well as HIV. These diseases are spread through the transmission of body fluids like blood. You can also contract other infections, like colds and mono, from sharing pipes or bongs. Addiction: When you take drugs or drink alcohol, there’s a chance that you could become dependent on them. This means that you might feel like you  can’t operate without drug or alcohol in your system or that you spend a lot of your time and energy finding and using the drugs or dinking the alcohol. You might also have withdrawal symptoms when you stop using the substance. If you use drugs often, your tolerance to the drug might increase, causing you to need to take a greater amount to get the same effects. Your mental and emotional well-being: Drug use and alcohol intake can also alter your mood-when you’re high or drunk, and even when you’re not. This can trigger stress or mental illness, or exacerbate already existing issues. Stress: You might think that using certain drugs or alcohol will help you relax and forget about the issues that cause stress. But long-term use of them can have a big impact on the way your brain works, and lead to increased anxiety and stress. Depression: Feeling low after using some drugs-including alcohol-is common. You might feel depressed because of the drug itself, or because of something that happened while you were using. Sometimes people use drugs as a way to cope with their depression, but drug use can often worsen these feelings. Mental illnesses: Although scientists generally agree that there is a link between drug use and serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia, the National Institute on Drug Abuse says that it’s still unclear whether serious drug use leads to these illnesses, or if having an illness increases a person’s chances to abuse drugs. Your relationships and your future: Drug use and drinking alcohol can have an immediate impact on your body and mind but it can also affect your future and your relationship with others. Legal issues: Making, selling or having illegal drugs in your possession is against the law. It’s also against the law to give prescription drugs to people who don’t have a prescription from a doctor. Punishments for breaking these laws include having to go to court which might result in being sent to jail, having to pay hefty fines, or enter a rehabilitation program. Your relationships: When drug use or alcohol intake becomes a larger part of your life, your relationships suffer. Conflict and breakdowns in communication can become more common. Your safety: Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol could increase your chances of being in dangerous situations. The effects of some drugs and alcohol can cause you to do things you might not usually do. You might also be putting yourself at risk of overdosing. Buying drugs or trying to get the money to buy drugs can also put you at risk. Your job: Drugs and alcohol can also affect your ability to concentrate at work. The side effects of using drugs or drinking alcohol are a hangover, or a â€Å"coming down† feeling-can this will reduce your ability to focus. Poor performance at your job could cause you to lose your job all together. Financial pressures: Regular drug use or buying alcohol can become expensive. In extreme situations, people who are addicted to substances might try anything-including illegal activities like theft-to secure money to get their next fix. Homelessness: Spending most of your money on drugs and alcohol might not leave much money to cover your living expenses, like rent, food, or utility bills. If you can’t pay these necessary costs, you could even get kicked out of your home.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Background Of Computerization In Bangladesh Information Technology Essay Essays

Background Of Computerization In Bangladesh Information Technology Essay Essays Background Of Computerization In Bangladesh Information Technology Essay Essay Background Of Computerization In Bangladesh Information Technology Essay Essay Modern scientific discipline has advanced quickly in the station modern period. It has been possible by the dints of computing machine. Use of computing machine began in Bangladesh in the sixtiess and assumed wider dimension in the 1890ss. Information Technology is today a well-known affair. IT began to presume greater acceptableness in this state from the center of the 1890ss. The first computing machine in Bangladesh ( erstwhile East Pakistan ) was installed at the atomic energy centre, Dhaka of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission in 1964. It was an IBM Mainframe Computer of 1620 series. The chief usage of the machine was deciding complicated mathematical computations in different research plant. In the 1960ss rapid enlargement of bank and insurance every bit good as trade and commercialism including scientific research at both place and abroad increased manifold the volume of everyday accounting plants which necessitated celerity in this occupation. In many o f the large organisations, care of histories manually became about impossible. During this period a figure of large organisations of the state set up dearly-won Mainframe Computer. The so Habib Bank installed IBM 1401 computing machine while the United Bank used IBM 1901 in the late 1960ss. These computing machines belonging to the 3rd coevals Mainframe type were chiefly used for full accounting plants of these Bankss. Before the independency, an IBM 360 computing machine was set up at the Bureau of Statistics in 1969. A Mainframe computing machine was besides installed at Adamjee Jute Mills during the same period. Before independency, inclusion of computing machine hardware and package related classs in the course of study of Mathematics, Physics, Applied Physics and Electronics at university degree instruction began, though in a limited way.After independency cybernations procedure in this state got a new jet. In this mode bangladesh agency of statistics, played an of import funct ion. Large computing machines like IBM 370, IBM 9100 and IBM 4341 etc were installed in this organisation in stages since 1972. The development of cybernation procedure in this organisation still continues and different powerful computing machines and other extremist modern IT equipment of subsequent coevalss have since been installed at that place. In September 1979 an IBM 370 and an IBM 4331 Mainframe Computer were introduced at the bangladesh university of technology and engineering ( BUET ) and BUET Computer Centre was besides established. This Computer Centre has been playing a pioneering function in leaving computing machine instruction in Bangladesh and circulating computing machine engineering in the state. atomic energy research ESTABLISHMENT ( AERE ) at Savar installed an IBM 4341 Mainframe Computer in 1981. The Dhaka University Computer Centre began its journey with an IBM 4331 Mainframe Computer in 1985. The innovation of microprocessor by the Intel Corporation of the Un ited States in 1971 brought about a revolution in the form and capableness of computing machine. Microprocessor based computing machines started to look in the markets. Personal Computer or Personal computer innovated by the IBM ( International Business Machines ) company hit the market in 1981. Later on high-octane microprocessors began to germinate one after another aboard powerful Personal computers. The IBM did non maintain any prohibitive ordinance about fabricating IBM compatible computing machines from the really get downing. This brought about radical alterations in their monetary values and their utilizations besides multiplied. On the other manus Apple Computer Incorporate besides released in the market Apple-Macintosh computing machine evolved by them. But the Apple did non follow any broad policy in doing their compatible computing machine and therefore the monetary value of Macintosh computing machine remained really high that precluded it from accomplishing expected popularity. Nevertheless, due to some particular practical privileges Apple-Macintosh were widely used peculiarly in publishing industries. Personal computers became easy available due to its easy usage and bargain rate in monetary value. As a consequence, usage of Personal computers started to increase in Bangladesh chiefly since the last portion of the 1880ss, particularly in instruction and concern concerns. However, wider usage of computing machine in Bangladesh accelerated from the ninetiess. Invention of Bangla package Bangla authorship in computing machine was first materialized in 1987 and an applied scientist viz. Mainul Islam deserved the claim of this success. He managed to compose Bangla in Apple-Macintosh computing machine utilizing his self-evolved fount Mainulipi . In this chase the conventional English keyboard was used without utilizing any separate keyboard for Bangla. The difference in type and signifier of Bangla and English alphabets and the jobs associating to Bangla conjunct letters were solved utilizing the advantage of four bed keyboard of Macintosh. Two more Bangla fount, viz. Shahidlipi and Jabbarlipi were evolved instantly after Mainulipi. Following twelvemonth, Internet Explorer in 1988 the first Interface Bijoy functional in Apple-Macintosh computing machine was built under the protections of a non-government administration Anando Computers . The layout of the first Bangla keyboard was besides composed during this clip. Among the initial keyboards, Bijoy and Munir are deserving adverting. In the Interface technique, the Bangla keyboard is attached with the Operating System ( OS ) of the computing machine and Bangla is inscribed in the computing machine by triping this keyboard and choosing a Bangla fount. Bijoy, being a Macintosh based interface and the monetary value of Apple-Macintosh computing machine being excessively high, figure of its users was limited. Its usage was practically confined to printing and publications. Following the usage of Bangla in computing machine, function of computing machine in offices and publishing industries in Dhaka quickly assumed a great dimension. Exportable package development in Bangladesh commenced in 1995 while exportable multimedia system development began in 1997 Use of Internet and e-mail Though the usage of Internet worldwide spread quickly in 1990, Bangladesh joined the bandwagon much later. Use of Internet in the state started in 1995 for the first clip in a limited manner through offline electronic mail. VSAT ( Very Small Aperture Terminal ) was foremost set up in 1996 for Internet intent. Online Internet connexion started mushrooming through an Internet Service Provider ( ISP ) by the name ISN. At present there are more than 50 ISPs in the state ; of these lone BTTB ( Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board ) is authorities owned. Most of the ISPs are Dhaka based. However on-line Internet installations are now besides available outside Dhaka in metropoliss like Chittagong, Sylhet, Khulna, Rajshahi, Bogra and Cox s Bazar. Uses and Applications of Computer: In Bangladesh today computing machine is being used in research and educational establishments, authorities and private organisations, concern concerns including bank and insurance, industries, Millss and mills, military installings etc. Among the authorities offices, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics is the largest user of computing machines. The Statistical Bureau at present utilizations computing machine at every stage of saving, processing and analyzing of informations collected from assorted studies including preparation of database.In fiscal establishments including Bankss, peculiarly in private Bankss, care of database and extension of assorted services are progressively acquiring computing machine based. Computerization is besides bit by bit under manner in authorities Bankss. Foreign Bankss played a pioneering function in presenting computerized fiscal minutess in Bangladesh. By utilizing computing machine engineering, these Bankss are being able to give better services to the ir clients by set uping links with inter-branch, inter-bank every bit good as inter-continental Bankss. Most of the local private Bankss are following this today. Some local and foreign Bankss separately or jointly have been running Automatic Teller Machine ( ATM ) web by utilizing computing machine engineering. ATM card device is fast distributing in the state s chief metropoliss. Credit card has besides become popular all over the state since origin in 1999. At present, companies like VISA, Master Card and VANIK are covering with this computing machine based Credit Card Service which is a safe and easy device of pecuniary minutess. Very late a figure of foreign Bankss have introduced Electronic Fund Transfer Service. Microchip installed Smart Cards are besides going popular in the state bit by bit. This device has been proved to be really utile specially in refunding of measures of assorted services oriented organisations and companies. Various engineering based sections and burea us of the Bangladesh Government viz SPARRSO ( Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization ) , Bangladesh Meteorological Department, Survey of Bangladesh, Water Resources Planning Organization ( WARPO ) , Geological Survey of Bangladesh, etc are utilizing computing machine in preparation of their database and function. In peculiar, by utilizing GIS ( Geographic Information Systems ) package, pulling of assorted types of adept maps at shorter clip is being possible. Bangladesh Meteorological Department is now able to supply faster and more accurate conditions prognosis by analysing meteoric informations collected from orbiters and preparation of maps through computing machine. This is enabling people to take readyings during times of natural jeopardies and diminishing the volume of amendss to much extent. Besides, analyses associating to endure and climatic alterations are besides being possible through computing machine mold. Bangladesh Election Commission has taken up a undertaki ng to fix a unflawed elector list with the aid of computing machine. Different authorities and non-government administrations are utilizing Data Base Application Software to run into their several demands. Though these package were imported from abroad in the yesteryear, at present assorted local package companies are being engaged in most of the instances to do these customised software.The direction and running of big graduated table and of import industrial concerns of the state are now to much extent dependant on computing machine engineering peculiarly those industries where it is basically of import to maintain integral the qualitative criterion of the goods produced. For illustration, pharmaceutical industries. In these mills, qualitative criterion of drugs is being ensured with the aid of computing machine. Computer organisations In 1983 a national commission was formed aimed at buying computing machines to provide to the authorities demands. In 1988 the commission was renamed as the National Computer Board. This Board was further reformed in 1989 and was made into an establishment under the Ministry of Science and Technology in the name of Bangladesh Computer Council ( BCC ) . BCC has now been working as a authorities advisory organic structure on computing machine. Computer instruction The institutional computing machine instruction began in Bangladesh in 1984 with the initiation of the Computer Science and Engineering Department in BUET. The Computer Science Department at Dhaka University was established on 1st September 1992. At present sections for computing machine instruction have been opened in most authorities and non-government universities in the state every bit good as in four BITS ( Bangladesh Institute of Technology ) . Computer Science classs has besides been opened at Honours degree in a figure of colleges affiliated with the National University. Computer instruction has been included in the course of study at higher secondary degree since 1991 and that of secondary degree since 1994. Assorted private computing machine preparation Centres have been playing critical function in circulating computing machine literacy in the state since the center of the 1990s. Many local computing machine preparation institutes are carry oning devel oping programmes jointly with assorted foreign universities and institutes. At present rather a few computing machine related magazines are being published on a regular basis. Some of these magazines besides release Multimedia or CD ( Compact Disk ) versions side by side paper printed editions. Programs for set uping Computer and IT Villages at Kaliakair in Gazipur territory off Dhaka and at Mohakhali in Dhaka City have been taken at authorities enterprise. When implemented the usage and civilization of computing machine and information engineering in Bangladesh will increase many times. INITIATIVES TAKEN BY THE GOVT. PRIVATE SECTOR TOSTREGTHEN OUR ICT SECTOR: Digital Bangladesh is presently the most normally used words in political relations, media, among the intellectuals and the civil societies. Since our Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in her party s election pronunciamento pledged to develop a digital Bangladesh by 2021, it has given a great hope to the citizens of Bangladesh. It turned out to be an chance for our premier curate to be in the United States during the clip of election, and sing the Obama election run. Her acquisition has helped Awami League wining the election in Bangladesh in 2008 with Obama-like run strategy-the call for change , which has been responded widely by the Bangladeshi citizens. However, the focal point here is Digital Bangladesh, widely accepted by Bangladeshi people from all walks of life. Not excessively many people understood the construct of digital Bangladesh but they believed it, as something related to information engineering. It has been widely accepted by a good figure of immature electors, believ ing that the construct of Digital Bangladesh will work out most of our national crisis affecting corruptness, unemployment, illiteracy, poorness and price-hike. Even though without cognizing Bangladesh has already gone through a spot of experience on digitisation through few national degree of ICT undertakings, such as, Chittagong Customs Automation System, choice procedure of teletalk mobile user through cyberspace, undertaking initiated by the pervious authorities on machine-readable digital passport system and eventually the successful cybernation of national elector ID. However, we have full trust and religion in our freshly elected authorities, that hopefully one twenty-four hours, it will give us the gift of Digital Bangladesh, as promised, by twelvemonth 2021. But our cardinal inquiry here is how digital Bangladesh will be built and how will it impact on our day-to-day life, the economic system and society at big. Is digital Bangladesh a world or a practical dream made by our leaders to acquire our attending and precio us ballots? Digital Bangladesh is a uninterrupted procedure of development. For those who thinks that it can be developed in a specific clip and budget is perfectly incorrect. The whole procedure requires tonss of undertakings, for which we have to be prepared. After all, digitisation is the lone tract to economic success, quality instruction, public wellness and besides bring forthing transparence in administration with full public engagement. There should be no uncertainty that in 20th century the way to the information society is the lone way for the development of human civilisation. So our end is how we build this digital Bangladesh. The initial measure of constructing a Digital Bangladesh is developing a roadmap to digital Bangladesh, including undertakings, plans, working methodological analysis and timeline. In the election pronunciamento Awami League affirmed to resuscitate the ICT undertaking force formed during their last term. The ICT taskforce may originate the procedure of doing the roadmap. Their first work of the revived undertaking force would be to fix an e-readiness program to asses the current ICT resources and skilled human resources of Bangladesh. This may include measuring the current substructure, internet handiness, available skilled ICT professional, digitization degree of the state and others. After a good appraisal, the occupation will be to place the undertakings and plans that need to be focused, and all the sectors, including public and private that need enhancement and development. The ICT undertaking force must organize with the relevant stakeholders to work together in come oning diff erent undertakings. The stakeholders may include the authorities organic structures, for illustration, the ministry of finance, instruction, telecommunication and information ; and the educational institutes, ICT work groups including relevant the private sector organic structures. Different workgroups should be formed in assorted beds for assorted undertakings. A good working methodological analysis of diagnosing, design and executing should be followed to implement any digitisation undertaking within a strong instructional model. The work must be monitored carefully keeping planetary criterions. Few states, like, New Zealand, South Africa and Chile are nearing toward a similar end of digitisation for the past several old ages. Those patterns can be followed and if necessary international advisers and adviser squad could be hired. A good national connectivity is really much necessary in order to make the services provided by the information engineering. Access to the web in urban country must be improved at a more accelerated rate. High quality cyberspace services must be provided from metropolis to little stray countries with dependable anchor web. A backup web demands to be installed along with the current one, with the available current anchor system. An low-cost and subsidised monetary value must be provided to internet users in order to advance cyberspace usage with a proper preparation plan. A sustainable and dependable nation-wide web substructure will beef up the information main road of the state therefore extinguishing the digital divide between rural and urban countries. Decentralization and digital authorities services can be provided for all citizens. E-governance is another country meriting attending. Electronic administration is utilizing information engineering by the public sectors to supply service and information, and promoting citizens to take part democratically in the decision-making procedure by doing authorities more transparent and accountable. A good functionary web portal and information depositary demands to be developed to supply citizens with all necessary information from different authorities ministries. All kinds of signifiers and application should be available for download by the populace ; besides, to cut down bureaucratic complication, on-line entry can be added. For deriving transparence and cut downing corruptness, stamp command, revenue enhancement filing and secret plan allocation can besides be made through this web portal. In add-on, a good belongings record direction system needs to be developed to extinguish the difference on land ownership which leads to multitude of legal jobs and tribunal instanc es. The old manual system is non effectual. It provides no organized information, but generates hassle sing heritage and record transportation. For effectual use, these systems must hold Bengali interface, as our English reading and speech production capacity is relatively really low. Proper research must be done in Bengali character acknowledgment system, address reorganisation system and natural linguistic communication emanation system. Open beginning package, non-pirated and free package, should be encouraged to be used at all degrees of authorities ICT undertakings to minimise the cost. In add-on to this, we need to be concerned about the other portion of digitisation, which is cyber offense and information hacking, by protecting our systems against any malicious onslaught. Recently, Rajuk was victimized, where interlopers have hacked the system garnering valuable personal information of secret plan proprietors, demanding money for their secret plan installment. We need to larn these mistakes to protect our system and public consciousness. In order to make an advanced society, the instruction system must be foremost targeted. A separate digital web should be built to link all the educational institutes to portion resources, learning stuffs and research work, like it is in Sri Lanka, UK and USA. An advanced rhythm of university-industry relationship should be developed with digital coordination and resource-sharing. With the aid of distance acquisition and digital and audio acquisition system, instructors, pupils and vocational trainers from all over the state can get quality acquisition and digital abilities. With the aid of digital acquisition system, larning will non be limited to category suites merely. Technologies like digital library, picture talk, multimedia category room and knowledge-based information depository will better the employability, literacy and accomplishment of the state. A higher direction information system could be developed for the University Grant Commission to administrate and supervise all t he institutes under its control. All types of concern including little, average sized or large should integrate ICT through e-business and e-commerce. Our merchandises and services should be promoted in the planetary market with appropriate ICT technology-oriented selling schemes. For the concern community, inter-bank money transportation and dealing, loan system, L/C, finance, transportation, supply concatenation and recognition can be done electronically to supply a suited and friendly environment for the concern to vie with other states. A dedicated corporate web line can be built to actuate the concern community in ICT usage. The freshly installed Chittagong mechanization system can be a good illustration of how with less bureaucratism and rapidly, goods could be released, supplying more comfort to the concern environment. Online stock trading system would affect more bargainers from different communities to take part in capital market. The legal and the wellness system besides play a important function in all countries of the community. A knowledge-based online digital legal system dwelling of instance, records, jurisprudence and policies is of import for the judicial system. The attorneies should hold adequate resources available to support their clients every bit good as the Judgess to do determination reasonably. Without the entree of these stuffs justness will be difficult to accomplish for the hapless people. Digitization of the bench system will besides beef up the democratic procedure of the state. Even though the private wellness sector has developed their direction system, the populace sector is manner behind.A good patient-doctor direction system on all pubic infirmaries will better the wellness services in distant countries. New engineerings like telemedicine presently in usage as pilot undertakings can be used more loosely for supplying audience for particular instances on stray vicinities. Like the ben ch, a similar cognition depository system for the physicians and nurses will better the map of the wellness sector. Last but rebelliously non the least is the ICT sector, which is likely one of the most ignored sectors in the state. In order to develop a sustainable and efficient Digital Bangladesh, the authorities must foremost set their extreme attending in resuscitating this sector. Due to negligence and failed constabularies, the ICT sector has gone through tonss of ups and downs in the last few old ages. The authorities should take all necessary stairss to reengineer this sector from top to bottom to derive economic advantage like our adjacent state India. Through outsourcing, the state can gain more concern from the outside universe, which would play a critical function in the economic system. The last caretaker authorities has started the call centre concern by supplying licences to several companies. These companies are still in their initial phase supplying backend office services to western states. More call Centre markets are expected to be created in the hereafter. In order to acquire a portion of this market, the authorities should take proper enterprises in developing a skilled work force, with good English speech production quality and dependable, inexpensive telecommunication web. Finally, we have to develop a more adaptable and applicable ICT policy guaranting transparence supported by a proper legal model and promise for capacity edifice. The proposed ICT2003 had several defects, which needs proper rating procedure. However, the present authorities has five old ages to demo their success on how fast they are nearing towards their vision of 2021 of digital Bangladesh. Time is really short, the undertakings are many, and the outlooks are really high. The people are continuously supervising whether their leaders pre-election pledge of a Digital Bangladesh is being implemented decently. Barriers TO MAKE A DIGITAL BANGLADESH: Ours is one of the development state in the 3rd universe.As our authorities has taken luxuriant plan to do digital Bangladesh ; there are some barriers to obtain the ends. The barriers are as follows: Bangladesh has non sufficient engineering to do a digital Bangladesh. Internet base computing machine is non available. Our technological betterment is centered on Dhaka and others large metropoliss. Our computing machine based population is non equal. Political crises are one of the barriers behind this intent. Electricity job is besides haltering the procedure. Unadjusted allotments among different sectors. ICT sectors are non good developed. SUGGESTIONS TO OVERCOME THESE PROBLEMS: We shall now show our proposal to work out the job. One serious lacking of our policy shapers is, they ever look at the transit job as a aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"physical problemaa‚ ¬A? and therefore enterprise to work out it through aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"physical measuresaa‚ ¬A? merely. The fact is, transit job by nature has two facets: physical and administrative, and needs to be addressed consequently. Bangladesh govt. should get down its operation from upper degree. Internet must be used in territory and upazila degrees. ICT must be introduced to our people. Government should promote our people about digital Bangladesh. Employer must hold cognition about computing machine. Education sectors must be digitalized. THE BOTTOM LINE: Bangladesh is a hapless state with surplus of population and no famine of jobs. For such a state failure in any dearly-won plan may turn out fatal. We hope, in position of their legion failures in the past, we believe and request that this clip the concerned governments would endeavor for honest and intelligent solutions. Our govt. is seeking to develop our state. Vision 2021 is a maestro program over this intent. As our computing machine history is non enriched ; there are some barriers which hamper our objects. If our people sincere about utilizing computing machine and cyberspace ; digital Bangladesh aims will be achieved. For this authorities should guarantee better status.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

What Where How to Write an Anxiety Disorder Case Study

What Where How to Write an Anxiety Disorder Case Study Depending on the academic specialty, students compose different types of academic assignments on various topics. Thus, students of psychological and/or medical faculties write an anxiety disorder case study. This is an interesting piece of writing. It is targeted at revealing something new in the aspects, which have been already studied. This paper should extend or strengthen the previous studies. It brings a clearer explanation of the studied question. Anxiety disorder is a serious mental disease, which is likewise interesting. The disease is characterized by constant and unexpected attacks of fear, panic, and anxiety. There are multiple types of research targeted at identifying and clarifying the essentials of this mental deviation. Therefore, every student will have some food to chew on. You shouldn’t be afraid of this assignment or theme. Both cases are relevant to society and science. You should undertake the pretty common steps. These are: Choose a topic Research the main question Find information Outline the project Draft Write the major parts Revise Submit Your first objective is to select a topic. Luckily, the choice is really rich and impressive. For instance, you may describe and analyze one of the anxiety disorder types, its causes, main symptoms or effective ways of treatment. The next step is to research your topic. Find all the related facts concerning anxiety disorder. This may be a social anxiety disorder. It’s characterized by overwhelming worry and nervousness in social situations. This type may be narrowed even more. Some people are afraid of being ridiculed. Describe this specific state. Seek targeted information and add something novel. The case has been studied for many a time. Therefore, you should gather general and well-known facts to begin with. Afterward, research the major question. This may be the most effective therapy for this particular type of the deviation. You should study all possible methods and identify the one, which produces the best results. You ought to find the approved evidence. Afterward, make an outline. Think which writing stages to undertake and how long every phase should last. Write a rough draft. It may be even messy. Your main goal is to see an approximate version of the accomplished paper. After the preliminary stages, begin to write the final version. It includes: Implement the general information concerning your main question. Use some catchy and significant facts. A thesis statement. Clarify your main purpose in a single sentence (maximum two). Tell what you research and why. Make it strong and plain for understanding. Main plot. Develop the thesis statement. Discuss at least three sub-arguments. Use the dependable and effective examples (graphics, surveys, statistics, etc.). Summarize your project in three or four sentences. Mention your major argument once more. Reveal and interpret the outcomes of your study. In the end, proofread and edit the entire project. Check it several times to be sure that you haven’t made any mistakes. Once you verify every section of your writing, you’re welcome to submit.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Globalization Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Globalization - Coursework Example This leads to major liberalization in 19th century which was termed as globalization. The rising extent of globalization can be identified with a number of trends started after World War II. It includes global movement of commodities, money, information, innovation and also people. Global development of technology, legal systems, organizations and infrastructure are the key drivers for this movement. Developed, developing and also underdeveloped nations have been enjoying many benefits through internationalization of leading businesses of many countries. International trade has been increased through multinational organizations at a faster rate overall growth in world economy. Global flow of capital has increased through foreign direct investment especially of the leading firms of developed and developing countries. International organization has developed like WTO, IMF, WIPO, World Bank etc for monitoring international transaction of goods and services. Outsourcing of different serv ices has increased dramatically in first decade of 2000 century and it has benefited the MNCs by reducing cost of business operation (Kox, 2001, p.90). Businesses’ engagement in CSR Increasing extent of globalization is nearly proportionate to internationalization of leading firms of many countries. Development in infrastructure, income level of people mainly disposable income and technology advancement is the key motivational factors for internationalisation of firms. There are many entry strategies that the leading firms have identified. Corporate social responsibilities of firms in domestic countries enhance the reputation and goodwill in... This essay stresses that it has been observed that the China has been grown rapidly in last two decade. This is due to Foreign Direct Investment inflow to China has increased in major extent. It has become one of the leading business hubs in the continent of Asia to the leading MNCs in the world especially the MNCs of developed markets. At the same time, outward foreign direct investment is also substantial contributor in economic development of this nation. Generally, economic growth of a country is quantitatively measured by gross domestic production of the country. China holds huge resources for businesses including natural resources like agriculture base products, infrastructure, technology and obviously availability of manpower for all level of work. This paper makes a conclusion that the liberalization of some of the developing countries has not translated into qualitative gains. The gains from trade in less developed countries are still not sufficient. The costs of globalization driven by trade may be unsustainable and therefore the inequalities will tend to rise further which is indeed a matter of concern. As a result the countries are becoming prone to external shocks. In order to benefit from globalization a sustainable environment is needed to be created in the context of differentiated trade policy and development landscape. The international trading system has witnessed several changes under the globally recognized challenges. The trading system has recognized the structural as well as the economic challenges that are faced by the developing countries.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Sprungli family business analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Sprungli family business analysis - Essay Example This was possible since Rodolphe Lindt used the â€Å"conche† which he had introduced so as to produce chocolate which is loved and cherished to this modern day and age. He blended delicate flavor which grew and became reputable globally as Swiss chocolate (Coady, 2006). The original Spungli business eventually split up into two distinct companies namely the Lindt and Spungli business which is a public company with the other one being the family run branch known as Spungli confectionary. The division of the Company particularly took place in 1879 when Rudolf Spungli decided to devide his company between his sons David Robert and Johann Rudolf. David Robert became the owner of the family run branch known as Spungli confectionary that is today known as the Confiserie Sprà ¼ngli  while Johann Rudolf gained ownership of the Lindt and Spungli business which is eventually became a public company. However, in 1899, Sprungli family company and business which was called the â€Å"Chocolat Sprungli AG† received the request of acquiring the Rodolphe Lindt business which was smaller in stature but reputable and massive in taste and quality of chocolate which it produced. This paper critically analyzes the Sprungli family business with specific focus t o is background, history, current challenges, succession issues as well as recommendations for parallel planning process. Spungli Confectionary families run business also popularly known Confiserie Sprà ¼ngli  is the remnant of the original company started by David Sprungli in 1845. It is the initial stage where the founder and owner manage the business since it is relatively small in capital base or number of customers. In the year 1859, one of its subsidiaries in Paradeplatz grew in stature and might to become one of the famous, renowned and loved pastries and chocolate meeting points. This was the stance where the business was

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Celebrity Endorsement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Celebrity Endorsement - Essay Example Indeed, trademark or brand name is a term that is used to define entities with unique credibility and attraction levels. They are used to drive marketing activities in various jurisdictions due to their influential nature. Companies prefer using strong brands names to endorse their product to improve sales units. The institutions use the trademarks due to the financial implications that arise from such endorsements. In particular, strong trade marks results to high sales that in turn lead to improved financial performance. . Evaluation The journal is selected based on the insightful information that it holds that create awareness on the financial implications that the use of strong trademarks or strong celebrity endorsement earns various corporations. The article evaluates the significance of using strong brand trademarks in executing marketing or product promotion activities. It details the impact of strong trademark or celebrity endorsement that is becoming popular in most settings . The practice is gaining momentum since strong brand identities hold great influence and attraction that compels individuals to associating with their ideals or choices. High profile brands or trademarks are used due to their financial implications. ... Managers assert that use of high profile trademarks in the advertisement packets is conventional and beneficial.Author Biography Lan Luo, Jeanie Han, C. Whan Park. (2008). Dilution and Enhancement of Celebrity Brands through Sequential Movie Releases. Journal of Marketing Research, 47, 6, 1114-1128. Summary The article discusses celebrity branding that has provides information leading to erosion or development of the influential nature of celebrities. Celebrities are influential individuals who can shape a product’s perception and individual’s prospects. Their influential nature can transform the perception of various individuals. However, celebrities can dilute their status and influence negatively if they engage in incredible practices. The dilution of character and credibility through the adoption of unconventional activities may render them in any promotional activity. However, they can use their skills to build a strong brand identity and boost promotional activiti es. They can achieve this through appearance and development of a sequence of movies or promotional activities. Evaluation The article is selected based on the need for stakeholders in the marketing industry to understand the influence of dilution and celebrity brand enhancement on product performance. The information is significant because it ensures that corporations appoint credible celebrities to drive their promotional activities. Dilution and enhancement of celebrity endorsement hold far-reaching effects on product promotion. The variations lead to low product sales or high sales volume depending on the celebrity status. It is recognizable the celebrity endorsement hold immense relations with product brand

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Reactor Design Project Engineering Essay

The Reactor Design Project Engineering Essay The project objective was to optimize three different adiabatic ammonia reactor configurations with respect to reactor performance in order to produce 800 tonnes of ammonia per day, or the molar equivalent of 0.5447 kmol s-1 of ammonia. The optimizations in reactor performance involved primarily, minimizing the catalyst volume and secondarily, maximizing the catalyst lifespan, as well as ensuring the final operating conditions were stable. Due to the absence of a cost function, the reactor could NOT be optimized with respect to cost minimization. Three different reactor types were considered, namely a single plug-flow reactor, a dual interstage cooling reactor and a dual cold-shot cooling reactor. Temperature, pressure and fraction of ammonia in the feed stream were found to have the greatest effect on the resultant catalyst volume. Using MATLAB, it was found that the minimum volumes were 9.61 m3, 3.94 m3 and 4.78 m3 for a single stage plug-flow, an interstage cooling configuration and a cold shot cooling reactor configuration respectively. The interstage cooling reactor allowed for a 59% decrease in total catalyst volume when modified from the single stage design, but required an increase in inlet feed temperature of 115K and 2 additional heat exchangers. The cold shot cooling method allowed for a 50.2% decrease in reactor volume from the single stage design, requiring a 75K increase in feed temperature. 1. Introduction 1.1. Background Ammonia synthesis (also known as the Haber process) is one of the most widely applied chemical processes in the world; in 2009, the total worldwide production of ammonia exceeded 133,000 metric tonnes 1, this is second only to the worldwide production of sulphuric acid. Most of the ammonia produced is used in the manufacture of fertilisers (such as ammonium nitrate), ammonia is also used in the manufacture of nitrogen-based polymers such as nylon. Another noteworthy use of ammonia is as the starting reagent for the manufacture of nitrogen-based explosives such as nitroglycerin. The reaction which generates ammonia is exothermic and equilibrium limited: N2 + H2 is in equilibrium with NH3 ΆHR (298K, 1atm) = -46.11 kJmol-1 [Eqn. 1] In the early 20th century, Fritz Haber discovered that in order to obtain a significant yield of ammonia, the reaction required both high pressures and low temperatures (in accordance with the van t Hoff-Le Chatelier principle). It was known that the rate at which N2 decomposed in the reaction was very slow (N2 is thermodynamically more stable than NH3); therefore a very efficient catalyst was required in order to facilitate ammonia formation. Nowadays, the catalyst used in most industrial ammonia reactors is usually a porous form of enriched iron. Catalysts are expensive, but they present a good trade off; reactors are able to produce sufficient amounts of product at lower, more manageable temperatures and pressures. 1.2. Design objective The overall objective was to design a continuous fixed bed plug-flow process to meet the companys daily ammonia production demand of 800 tonnes per day (exclusive of any ammonia in the feed). The primary design objective was to try to minimize the catalyst volume the process required in order to meet the production requirement. The design also had to be considered safe to operate and had to operate at conditions that were considered to maximize the lifespan of the catalyst; these two were considered as secondary objectives. The preliminary design of the reactor considered a single-stage adiabatic bed with a bed cross-sectional area of 2.0 m2. The final designs involved two different two-stage systems; one implementing interstage cooling and the other implementing cold-shot cooling. Reactor performance and sensitivity were analysed by observing the effects of altering specific operating and design variables. The cost function for the process was not known, therefore it is important to note that the reactor could not be optimized with respect to cost, however the design could be implemented such that the reactor performance was greatly improved. For example, minimizing the required catalyst volume (and hence minimizing the reactor volume) will reduce the construction cost of the reactor. However this may come at the expense of greater operating and maintenance costs and, in the case of two-stage systems, may result in additional construction costs (interstage cooling requires heat exchanger(s) to be built). The investigation will only allow qualitative suggestions to be made as to which specific design aspects contribute to the generation and/or reduction of costs. 1.3 Safety The reactor operating conditions should be stable; such that small disturbances will not lead to thermal runaway (which has important implications for safety). Other than that, there are no large risks involved with operating the ammonia reactor, provided that good process control is implemented by the operator. 2. Kinetic theory and types of reactor configurations 2.1. The kinetics of ammonia synthesis and its implications on reactor design Ammonia synthesis involves a single exothermic, reversible reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen. For reversible reactions, the conversion corresponding to thermodynamic equilibrium at the chosen operating conditions cannot be surpassed. Since the reaction is exothermic, the activation energy (which is only temperature dependent) of the backwards reaction is greater than that of the forward reaction. Therefore an increase in temperature causes a rise in the rate of the reverse reaction which is greater than the rise in the rate of the forward reaction thus decreasing the maximum attainable conversion but decreasing the required catalyst volume. On the other hand, operating at a lower temperature increases the maximum attainable conversion, whilst reducing the total reaction rate and increasing the required catalyst volume. With regard to pressure, the effect is the opposite; increasing the pressure causes a greater rise in the rate of the forward reaction compared the backward react ion and vice versa. Designing a reactor producing ammonia therefore requires a compromise between keeping temperatures sufficiently high such that reaction rate remains significant whilst obtaining a respectable conversion of ammonia. Similarly, the pressure should be great enough so as to maintain a significant reaction rate, but not so high as to cause the reactor to deviate from safe operation. In order to minimize catalyst volume (and meet the primary objective), it is desirable to operate at the maximum forward rate of reaction at each cross-section across the reactor; thus maximizing the average forward rate across the reactor, this allows the desired extent to be met with the minimum catalyst surface area and hence with the minimum catalyst volume. In order for this to occur, each cross-section in the reactor must be operated at the unique pressure and temperature required to achieve maximum rate for a particular extent, i.e. the reactor moves along the locus of maximum reaction rates. This is unfeasible in this investigation since there is no temperature or pressure control implemented across the reactor (the reactor is adiabatic and WSHAFT=0); and even so, maintaining specific pressures and temperatures at each point along the reactor is practically unfeasible in itself; as each point in the reactor would require its own heat exchanger and pressure control system. Therefore for exothermic reversible reactions (without heat removal), the temperature increases along the length of the reactor and the rate vs extent profile will always have a characteristic maximum because the temperature along the reactor increases due to the heat released by the reaction, causing the net production rate to increase up to a certain extent before the reverse reaction starts to become significant. As the rate of the backwards reaction tends to increase further and temperature rises, the overall reaction rate will eventually reach zero at equilibrium. 2.2. Brief description of the Plug-Flow Reactor (PFR) A plug-flow reactor is characterized by fluid flowing through one end of the reactor and out the other, whilst satisfying the assumptions of plug-flow. The assumptions state: Fluid properties and flow rate remain constant across any cross-section of the reactor. The flow is orderly, with no element overtaking or mixing with fluid ahead or behind, (i.e. the residence time is the same for all fluid elements). The above assumptions tend to hold true where there is turbulent flow (Re >105), ensuring good radial mixing, and if the ratio of reactor length to diameter of the reactor is large (ratio à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ 50), where lateral mixing may be neglected 2. Figure 1: An illustration of a plug-flow reactor 3 2.3. Brief description of Interstage Cooling Interstage cooling, also known as intercooling, is a multiple reactor design suitable for exothermic reversible reactions. Heat exchangers are used to cool the output of each reactor before being passed on to the next reactor, allowing for a greater possible conversion to be achieved in each successive reactor. This process can be replicated for an indefinite number of reactors until the reactor temperature is too low for reactions to occur or until the decrease in catalyst volume is not worth the additional cost of construction and complexity of operation. This project considers only the case where two reactors are used. Figure 2: An illustration of a dual reactor interstage cooling system4 2.4. Brief description of Cold-shot Cooling Cold-shot cooling reactor designs are similar to that of interstage cooling, but allow for elimination of the intermediate heat exchangers by injecting cold feed directly into the outlets of each reactor. This addition cools down the outlet stream of the reactor and also has the effect of decreasing the composition and conversion of the flow into the subsequent reactor (corresponding to the path from point b to c in Figure 3 below). Figure 3: An illustration of a dual reactor cold-shot cooling system 5 The flow diagram of two cold-shot reactors illustrates the lack of heat exchangers as compared to interstage cooling, as well as the splitting of the initial feed stream by the splitting fraction alpha, ÃŽÂ ±, which is the fraction of the fresh feed used as the coolant. The extent of reaction remains constant after mixing (which can be proven by a mass balance). 3. Mathematical model Derivations of differential equations All the assumptions of plug-flow mentioned above were applied in the construction of the equations below; the reactor was also assumed to operate at steady state (there is no mass hold up due to the catalyst). All other assumptions are mentioned in the derivations. It should be noted that rNH3 is defined as (rNH3 generated rNH3 consumed) and is measured per unit of catalyst volume; hence the equations specify the volume of catalyst VC and not the reactor volume VR. 3.1. Change in catalyst volume with respect to the extent of reaction: Mass balance on ammonia: [Eqn. 2] The extent of reaction can be defined as: [Eqn. 3] Equations 2 and 3 were combined to obtain the following equation: Since , the equation above was rearranged to give the initial catalyst volume gradient: [Eqn. 4] 3.3. Change in temperature with respect to the extent of reaction: Figure 4: An illustration of the cross section of a plug-flow reactor An energy balance across an infinitesimally small cross section of the catalyst bed gave: Shaft work (W), changes in kinetic energy and changes in potential energy were neglected: The equation above was divided by the cross-sectional area of the tube, A: where Q denotes the heat transfer by conduction. In the equation below, the enthalpy change upon mixing was neglected (a perfect solution was assumed). It was also assumed that the gases in question were ideal and hence their enthalpy was independent of pressure, the energy balance then took the form: [Eqn. 5] is the standard heat of formation of compound. i denotes each species present. Recalling that for a tubular reactor, and : does not have a negative sign as rproduct is calculated as the main subject) [Eqn. 6] The heat of reaction was simplified as shown below: [Eqn. 7] Equation 7 was substituted into Equation 6 which was then substituted into Equation 5: [Eqn. 8] The chain rule was used to combine and : Since the reactor was assumed to be adiabatic, Q = 0: [Eqn. 9] 3.4. Change in pressure with respect to the extent of reaction: The chain rule was used to find using the formula for , bed cross-sectional area A and since A dl = dVC. Substituting the components of the three terms above, we get the initial pressure against extent gradient formula: [Eqn. 10] 4. Simulation theory and strategy 4.1. Main simulation objectives Regardless of the design used, these objectives are overarching and apply to all three reactor types: The first two bullet-points define what is meant by optimizing the reactor: Minimizing catalyst volume; Operating temperatures and pressures are limited by safety considerations (preventing thermal runaway), material construction and catalyst degradation conditions. These degradation conditions are specified by actual limits set by ammonia process operators in industry: these are above 823 K and above 300 bar 6; Interstage and cold-shot cooling designs are only dual reactor designs. The derivation of the required total extent for all simulations is as follows: The MATLAB coding incorporating the required data and was used to solve the differential equations described earlier in the mathematical model for the outlet temperature, pressure and catalyst volume; all the assumptions applied in the mathematical model were thus applied in the coding, unit consistency was also maintained in the programming. 4.2. Single stage simulation strategy It is clear that a plug-flow reactor can take advantage of concentration profiles present in the reactor in order to minimize the total catalyst volume. Near the desired extent, adiabatic plug-flow reactors (running exothermic reversible reactions) operate ideally somewhere between the equilibrium line, where the rate of the forward and backwards reaction are equal, and the optimum line, which is a curve connecting the maximas of all the different rate curves, also known as the locus of maximum rates. Figure 5: A graph displaying the variation of forward rate with extent It is opted to run the reactor under conditions such that the inlet rate is exactly equal to the outlet rate where the reactor exits at the desired extent of 0.5447. The rin = rout condition limits the maximum average rate by a small amount but provides a greater amount of kinetic stability in the event of a disturbance; a small increase in the inlet temperature may push the reaction closer to equilibrium whilst a small decrease in the inlet temperature will decrease the outlet rate slightly but still allow the reactor to operate in a region of higher rates. The locus of rin = rout is found between the optimum line and the equilibrium line. As shown in Figure 5, this condition also means that the region of maximum reaction rate is taken advantage of; i.e. the rate in the reactor is always greater than or equal to the inlet rate. Therefore, although the temperature increases along the reactor, the forward rate is kept as high as possible. As the extent of reaction increases across the reactor for a fixed set of inlet conditions, it is expected for the surface area of catalyst to increase; if more product is generated, more catalyst is required to facilitate this generation. There is a limit in the MATLAB coding such that the catalyst volume decreases whilst the reaction extent continues to increase; the code is such that results after this point are treated as erroneous and are not used, thus the code finds the inlet conditions needed to achieve the maximum possible extent for an adiabatic reactor. To apply the simulation strategy, a MATLAB program was created to find the inlet conditions which satisfy the rin = rout condition for a desired final extent (0.5447 in this case). A separate program was also created to vary operating and design conditions individually and examine their effect on the catalyst volume. Graphs of the locus of maximum reaction rate, locus of rin = rout rates and the equilibrium curve were constructed using the desired inlet conditions determined from the single stage simulation. 4.3. Interstage cooling simulation strategy The overall reaction follows the adiabatic operating curve (it may not necessarily be a straight line due to the pressure drop across the reactor). It was desirable for the reaction to end at the same point as in the single stage simulation (with the same final extent); where the rate at the outlet of the second reactor lies on the rin = rout line for the desired extent. It was also desirable for the rate at the exit of the first reactor to be equal to the rate at the entrance of the second reactor; so that the reactor can continue onwards from the same rate in the second reactor (and maintain the average forward reaction rate). For this code, there was no condition that the rate at the inlet of the first reactor must equal the rate at the outlet of the first reactor (and likewise for the second reactor); since it was unfeasible to make the rates equivalent at all the inlets and outlets. Instead it was specified that rate1 OUT= rate2 IN and that rate2 OUT = rate OPTIMIZED SINGLE STAGE OUT. The extent in the first reactor (and therefore in the second reactor) had to be specified for each set of results. If the extent was too high, the outlet of the first reactor would be very near equilibrium whilst if it was set too low the outlet of the first reactor would be reached before the maximum rate had been obtained; therefore a degree of overshoot past the maximum reaction rate was desirable; the program ensured that there was a degree of overshoot past the maximum reaction rate in both reactors before validating a result. The locus of maximum reaction rates (from the single stage optimization) was used to determine the feed temperature for which the rate is a maximum at the start; this temperature was roughly 790K (located graphically). Above this temperature, the region of maximum reaction rates was not utilised at all; and the maximum extent achievable (using the gradient of the operating line) at equilibrium was roughly 0.28. This specified the minimum extent of reaction in reactor 1. If the feed temperature were too low, the first reactor would perform similar to a single PFR, defeating the purpose of having two reactors. Thus a moderate extent range of 0.3 0.4 was chosen for the first reactor as it was unworkable to put an excessive production load on either reactor. In order to apply this strategy, a program was used to specify the inlet conditions to the second reactor; the program moved along the operating curve using the initial conditions obtained in the single stage reactor up to the desired extent in the first reactor. This gave the inlet rate to the second reactor as well as the flow rate, temperature and composition of this stream. Following this, the rate1 OUT = rate2 IN condition was used to acquire the inlet and outlet temperatures and pressures of the first reactor and its volume. Lastly, the inlet conditions to the second reactor and the remaining extent were used to calculate the volume of the second reactor. The combined volumes and degrees of cooling between the reactors were compared for the chosen range of extents. 4.4. Cold-shot cooling simulation strategy Figure 6: A graph displaying the variation of extent with temperature for a cold-shot system The rate identity rin=rout used to optimize the single PFR was used in the cold-shot cooling reactor design. With reference to Figure 6, optimization was achieved by ensuring that the reaction moved from points aÆ’Â  bÆ’Â  cÆ’Â  d , with the following rate identities; ra = rb and re = rd. The second reactor would operate along the path that the optimum single PFR would operate on (e Æ’Â   d). By adhering to the above conditions, there were three variables left to define, namely alpha (ÃŽÂ ±), initial feed temperature Tini and the interstage extent ÃŽÂ ¾1. Fixing alpha and Tini would automatically define ÃŽÂ ¾1 and outlet temperature of the first reactor as the rates at points a and b must be the same. This optimized the first reactor for the given inlet conditions. By constructing enthalpy and mass balances on the mixing point of the outlet from the first reactor with the cold stream, the inlet temperature into the second reactor was determined, thereby finding outlet conditions of the second reactor, should it achieve the required extent of 0.5447 kmol s-1. Finally, in order to ensure that total optimization had occurred for the specified alpha and temperature, the difference in rates at points e and d was confirmed to be as close to zero as possible. Several iterations would be required to home in on the best inlet temperature for a given extent. The temperature of the feed used for cooling, Tf, was 298K; significantly lower than the temperature of the fluid exiting the reactor. This imposed an upper limit on the split fraction ÃŽÂ ±, beyond which the feed temperature into the second reactor would be too low for reactions to operate at an acceptable rate; catalyst volume would need to be larger to counter this effect, meaning optimization would not achieved. Therefore, by varying ÃŽÂ ± for 50 equal intervals from 0.01 to 0.5, and finding the 50 corresponding Tini values that satisfied the above stated rate identities gave the optimum reactor for each value of ÃŽÂ ±. The best cold-shot reactor specification was easily deduced from the setup which had the smallest overall catalyst volume. Results and Discussion 5.1. Single Plug-flow Reactor 5.1.1. Varying the ammonia composition in the feed Figure 7: A graph displaying the effect of ammonia feed mol % change on catalyst volume The composition of ammonia in the feed was changed while keeping the molar feed rate constant. (Change ratio: 4% decrease in NH3 = 1% increase in N2 + 3% increase in H2, etc). Figure 7 shows that decreasing the ammonia fraction from the original 8 mol % (while increasing the reactant mol %) lead to a significant drop in catalyst volume required. The greater concentration of reactants favoured the forward reaction, increasing the rate of formation of ammonia, leading to a smaller catalyst volume. When the ammonia fraction was too high (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥0.16), the initial concentration of reactants was insufficient to achieve the required extent. Also, as the partial pressure of ammonia increased in the reactor, a greater proportion of the catalysts active sites became blocked and the forward rate decreased, increasing the required catalyst volume 7. It was decided to keep the mol % of ammonia in the feed at 8% in subsequent simulations; although the lowest mol % of ammonia in the feed produces the minimum catalyst volume, it is impractical for this to occur since ammonia is normally recycled in industrial reactors 8. 5.1.2. Varying the reactor cross-sectional area Figure 8: A graph displaying the effect of cross-sectional area on catalyst volume Figure 8 shows that increasing the cross-sectional area reduced the catalyst volume, but this reduction was more significant only at the smaller area values. Increasing the area increased the number of catalyst pellets available at the reactor cross-section; therefore a greater reaction rate was initially facilitated as the volume increased. However, the inlet flow was fixed, and beyond a certain area, the flow into the reactor did not utilise the additional pellet area at the cross section; and thus the catalyst volume was less affected. The cross sectional area for the remainder of the investigation was kept at 2m2 because the increase in cross-sectional area above 2m2 does not justify the relatively minimal reduction in catalyst volume. 5.1.3. Variation of catalyst voidage Table 1: Displays catalyst volumes for different values of catalyst voidage Voidage 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Vc at ÃŽÂ ¾ = 0.54466 (m3) 23.4642 23.4877 23.5399 23.6728 24.1043 Voidage is the ratio of the catalyst volume to the reactor volume. A larger voidage means a higher catalyst pellet density, thereby allowing a smaller catalyst volume. However, increases in voidage past 0.4 did not contribute to any further significant decrease in catalyst volume. For the purpose of subsequent simulations, the voidage was kept to the original 0.4. 5.1.4. Variation of catalyst diameter Table 2: Displays catalyst volumes for different values of catalyst diameter Catalyst Diameter 0.011 0.009 0.007 0.005 0.003 Vc at ÃŽÂ ¾ = 0.54466 (m3) 23.5881 23.6209 23.6728 23.7675 23.9954 It is seen from the data that varying catalyst diameter had a negligible effect on the catalyst volume, suggesting that although the surface area of each catalyst pellet increased, the number of catalyst pellets decreased, and thus the overall catalyst area did not change significantly. It was decided to stick to the original catalyst diameter provided. 5.1.5. Varying temperature and pressure Figure 8: A graph displaying the effect of inlet temperature on catalyst volume for different isobars As the temperature was increased, a decrease in the catalyst volume was observed. At lower pressures, the gradient of the graph (the change in VC with inlet T) was much higher and therefore inlet temperature was more effective at reducing the catalyst volume at lower pressures. This has some implications with respect to cost; if the inlet temperature is increased, there is an electricity cost associated with operating the reactor at this higher inlet temperature, but there is also a saving due to the reduction in catalyst volume. Figure 9: A graph displaying the effect of inlet pressure on catalyst volume for different isotherms As inlet pressure was increased, the catalyst volume decreased. As discussed in the theory, the increase in pressure favoured the forward reaction, thereby increasing the reaction rate per unit volume of catalyst. However, the capital costs spent on reactor materials able to withstand the high pressures have to be taken into consideration in addition to the greater maintenance cost of the catalyst bed (since a higher pressure reduces the longevity of a catalyst). 5.1.6. Results of single stage simulation Table 3: Displays the specifications and feed conditions the optimized single PFR Feed Composition Cross sectional area (m2) Catalyst Diameter (m) Voidage Extent Temperature (K) Pressure (Bar) N2 H2 NH3 In Out In Out 0.23 0.69 0.08 2 0.0007 0.4 0.5447 624.2 796.0 300 298.6 It can be observed that the pressure drop throughout the reaction was rather insignificant compared to the total pressure in the reactor. The optimization values from the single stage plug-flow reactor were essential for designing dual reactors that utilized interstage or cold-shot cooling as the second reactors were designed to follow the reaction path taken by the single stage PFR. The optimum single stage pressure of 300 bar was also the optimum pressure used for the subsequent simulations; the maximum operating pressure tolerable is 300 bar according to the catalyst degradation conditions specified in the simulation objectives. 5.2. Interstage Cooling Figure 10: A graph displaying the extents of reaction for different temperatures. The interstage path for ÃŽÂ ¾1 values of 0.3, 0.34 (optimum), and 0.4 are displayed along with the locus of maximum reaction rates, the equilibrium curve and the locus of rin = rout. Results were obtained for 10 extents between 0.3 and 0.4; these are displayed in the appendix. From the graph above, it can be seen that for all three extents; 0.3, 0.34, 0.4, the reaction in the first reactor moved past the locus of maximum rates and the locus of rIN = rOUT and then approached the equilibrium curve, thereby maximizing conversion. The outlet stream was then cooled to a point along the path taken by the volume minimizing single PFR. The graph thus shows that performance optimization occurred in the interstage cooling design as catalyst volumes in both reactors were minimized. The range of chosen extents for the first reactor, 0.3 0.4 kmol s-1, also proved to be robust, providing well performing reactors with small catalyst volumes (where all reactors had a combined catalyst volume less than half of that of the single stage reactor). Volume reached a minimum of 3.94 m3 when the extent was fixed at 0.34 kmol s-1 with an inlet feed temperature of 737.1K. 5.3. Cold-shot Cooling Table 4 Conditions and results for the optimum cold-shot system Extent Achieved Temperature (K) Catalyst volume (m3) 1st 2nd 1st 2nd In Out In Out Vr1 Vr2 0.2958 0.2489 699 795.769 717.172 796.407 1.523 3.254 (Vc 1 Vc 2 = 1st 2nd Catalyst volume respectively) Figure 11: Catalyst volume minimizing temperatures at specific alpha values During simulation of the cold-shot cooling reactor design, it was deduced that the range of ÃŽÂ ± was restricted from 0.01 to 0.38, beyond which the bulk of the reaction would occur in one of the two reactors, making the other redundant. Optimally, ÃŽÂ ± should be somewhere between the limits of the range; for ÃŽÂ ± = 0.19 and feed temperature at 699K, a minimum overall volume of 4.78 m3 was achieved. It is seen from the graph above that as ÃŽÂ ± deviates from 0.19 and tends towards 0, the first reactor behaves more like a single PFR. The same happens to the second reactor as ÃŽÂ ± tends towards the ÃŽÂ ± upper limit. Increasing the initial feed temperature causes ÃŽÂ ± to increase in order for optimization to occur, while a decrease would bring about the opposite effect. This is because a larger fraction would be required to cool the output from the first reactor to achieve optimization should the reactor operate at a higher temperature. The contrary is true; with a larger ÃŽÂ ±, the initial feed temperature cannot be too low as excessive cooling of the second fraction would occur. 6. Conclusion It can be concluded that the investigation w