Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Canada s Freedom And Multicultural Society - 924 Words

Canada is widely known and celebrated as being a diverse, free, and unique nation. People from around the world have lived here for generations. Canada s freedom and multicultural society make it a beautiful country. But, it wasn’t always like this. Canada, one of the world’s biggest, most diverse countries started as a little British colony settled along the Great Lakes. However, it s growth into what it is today came at the cost of many sacrifices and hardships. We’ve all heard about the people of Canada’s First Nations and the struggles they have gone through in the past. In the 1920s, Aboriginal children were taken from their homes and forced to join Residential Schools that aimed to assimilate them into European culture, to†¦show more content†¦They had no say in the matter, and didn’t even understand what was happening. Such things show that in regards to respecting the culture of Aboriginals, Canada hasn’t been doing a very good job. We all have to remember, this land originally belonged to the Aboriginals—they were here first—and we must respect that. When it comes to disrespecting each other’s cultures and opinions, there could never be a more obvious example than the English and the French. Ever since the 1600s, French and English settlers in North America have never ceased arguing with each other, whether it be over territorial disputes or political decisions. French Canadians experienced racism in Canada, especially since the government was British. For example, the average French Canadian earned forty percent less than the English speaking people. During the First and Second World Wars, it was the disagreement over the conscription crisis that bitterly divided French Canadians and English Canadians. This decision to force men into the war was supported by the English and rejected by the French, leading to protests and riots in Quebec, especially in the First World War. After the Second World War, in the 1960s, the French in Quebec aimed to defend their rights in what became known as the Quiet Revolution. Although it was not violent, this revolution defined the French Canadians as unique and separate people from the Canadian government (which was run by the

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