Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Power, Authority, and Accountability in Politics - 1954 Words

When looking into the ideas of political theorists it is important to the use of political concepts that may play an important role in what the theorists are suggesting and also how they may affect the relationship between to state and the individuals living within a state. The concepts that will be looked at within this essay are: power, authority and also accountability. Power in politics is a person who has the ability to influence a person in terms of their behaviour; however they possess no right to - unlike authority. There are many ways in which a person can influence another’s behaviour; one such example is through coercion. Coercion refers to the use of violence or threats in order to influence someone. [Jones and Norton, 2011]†¦show more content†¦He placed emphasis on how a prince should do anything to maintain and increase their own powers – it was apparent that he felt the individual needs of a prince in terms of the power and authority was important and that a prince should do whatever he felt necessary to protect the state and as a result it would mean a prince’s position as a ruler was also prodected. [Wheeler, 2011] Machiavelli placed a large amount on the emphasis on the fact that a prince must be seen to be a moral - but he is able act un-morally if it contributes to the good of the state or provides him with more power. He must be loved by the people and he must also be feared in order to maintain his role as a ruler of a state. Machiavelli argued that if a prince cannot be both loved and feared - it is better for him to be feared as more people would be scared to question him and afraid of the consequences that may follow. This results in more power and authority for the prince but at the same time it means that the prince is less accountable. This is a benefit for the prince but no for the people living within the state that Machiavelli is suggesting (Macmillian, 2006) Machiavelli saw no difference between power and authority – the political concepts mentioned above – he argued thatShow MoreRelatedNgos As A Part Of Accountability1343 Words   |  6 PagesNGOs AS A PART OF ACCOUNTABILITY CHAIN IN SERBIAN POLITICS INTRODUCTION At the heart of good governance are the ideas of accountability, transparency and participation. These ideas have grown in popularity after democratic changes in 2000; hence it could be said that concept of accountability is relatively new in Serbia. 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